All children over the age of 12 months will be offered a place at a preschool. The number of hours offered is based on parents’ working or studying hours or other special needs the child may have due to the family situation in general. Children whose parents are unemployed or on parental leave will be offered 15 hours a week.
Opening hours
Municipal preschools are open Monday-Friday 6:30 - 17:00.
Preschools are closed on all public holidays as well as Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve and Midsummer’s Eve.
There are currently no preschools that are open evenings or nights.
To apply for a preschool placement
Preschool is designed to stimulate learning and development and provides a fun, safe, educational environment for all children. Preschool gives children the opportunity to learn and develop by playing, creating and exploring - on their own, in a group and together with adults. Providing care and a safe, secure environment are primary tasks for Swedish preschools.
In Överkalix there are two municipal preschools with a combined total of seven classes.
Preschool lays the foundation that lifelong learning is built on. Municipalities are responsible for making sure that there are preschools and that all children are offered a place. Preschools in Sweden are governed by the Education Act and the Swedish Curriculum.
Parents who would like a placement for their child at a preschool can apply using either the electronic or printed application form. Electronic applications require a valid electronic ID. Follow the link below to access electronic services and printable forms. Printed applications can be handed in directly to the local education office or sent to: Överkalix kommun, Skolkontoret, 956 81 ÖVERKALIX. You can track the progress of your application using the e-service. If you need assistance please contact the municipality on 0926-740 00.
When we receive your application we register your child. You will be offered a preschool place from the date you request as long as your application is received at least four months before the requested date. Please note that we are not always able to offer a place at the specific preschool or in the specific class requested as this depends on class sizes and priority.
There is an introduction period of approximately two weeks from the first day of attending preschool and you should be prepared to accompany your child during this time. You will be notified of your preschool placement approximately one month before the start date. If you have not started the introduction period within one month of the agreed start date you lose your preschool placement.
Starting preschool can be a big step for a child and the introduction period is an important part of the process. This period allows the child to become acquainted with the preschool at their own pace.
During the introduction period a parent accompanies the child allowing for a gentle transition to spending more time in the new environment - something that is particularly important for the youngest children. The introduction period also allows parents and staff to get to know one another and lays the foundation for a natural cooperation.
The introduction period is planned together with the member/s of staff who will be responsible for your child’s introduction.

Ängens preeschool, Skolgatan 6
- Humlan, for children 1-3 years
0926-741 91 - Droppen, for children 1-3 years
0926-741 33 - Violen, for children 3-5 years
0926-741 43 - Grodan, for children 3-5 years
0926-741 32
Älvens preeschool, Älvgatan 21
- Glädjen, for children 1-2 years
0926-741 23 - Hoppet, for children 3-4 years
0926-741 22 - Äventyret, for children 4-5 years
0926-741 21
Personal data
Överkalix Municipality processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The forms on this website comply with current regulations for the registration of personal data.
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