Streets and Roads
Here you can read more about care and maintenance of streets, roads, street lighting and snow plowing in the municipality.
Who is responsible for what?
The division of responsibilities for care and maintenance of streets and roads is as follows:
State roads - Swedish Transport Administration
Municipal roads - Överkalix Municipality
Private roads - private owners
Streets in residential areas are generally municipal while other roads are state roads.
All street lighting is maintained by the Municipality.
There are two shuttle ferries operating in Överkalix, Bohedenleden and Röduppleden. These are managed and operated by the Swedish Transport Administration. In the winter, the ferries are replaced by ice roads where certain speed and weight restrictions apply.
Snow removal
Överkalix employs a differentiated system for snow removal meaning that snow removal is carried out in different ways and on different schedules depending on the street or property in question.
The Municipality hires private contractors to carry out snow removal.