Elementary schools
The Överkalix Municipal School Area includes preschools, primary schools, a secondary school and Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) education. These are all located in close proximity to the municipal swimming pool, sports hall, ice rink and library.
The two municipal primary schools, Åkerskolan and Strandskolan, are in a scenic location close to the Kalix River. Åkerskolan includes the grades 1-3 as well as preschool class and after school recreation club. Strandskolan is a school for grades 4-9. Many of the forms for application and some of the information is only avilable in swedish but you can always call or send an e-mail if you need help.
Åkerskolan is a municipal primary school for grades 1-3 located at Bulandsgatan 17 in scenic Överkalix. Åkerskolan also has a preschool class and an after school recreation club (called Björnen). Approximately 80 pupils attend the school.
Preschool class
Preschool class is the first year of Sweden’s 10 years of compulsory education. Children are required to attend preschool class from the start of the autumn term in the year that they turn six. Preschool class is completely free of charge and consists of at least 525 hours of schooling during a school year.
Preschool class combines elements of primary school and preschool helping your child become accustomed to school through a mix of play and learning.
The fact that preschool class is compulsory means that attendance is required in the same way as at primary school.
Primary School Grades 1-3
At Åkerskolan we work consciously to create a secure, stimulating study environment that promotes knowledge development. Our motto is that every child at our school will succeed and leave Åkerskolan proud of their personal development and study results.
After School Recreation Club
Björnen, the after school recreation club for children in preschool class and grades 1-3 is in the same building as the preschool class.
Strandskolan is a municipal school for grades 4-9 located at Bulandsgatan 15 in scenic Överkalix. The school has pleasant facilities situated in an attractive schoolyard. Approximately 160 pupils attend the school.
At Strandskolan we work consciously to create a secure, stimulating study environment that promotes knowledge development. Our motto is that every child at our school will succeed and leave Strandskolan with a high level of knowledge, self confidence and an entrepreneurial spirit. We sincerely hope that our ninth graders are even more interested in learning than they were when they started school. “He jer Aborda” - is an expression in our local dialect that means “this is really good”.
In Överkalix there is also an independently run school with a culture and environment focus.
Överkalix Friskola is located at Yrkesvägen 2 in Överkalix.
The school has a preschool class and grades 1-9. Moore information about this school on their homepage: Överkalix Friskola
Children from ages 6-12 may attend Björnen, the municipal after school recreation club, both before the school day begins and after it ends. If you require other opening times please contact the principal. The after school recreation club is located at Bulandsgatan 17 in the same buildings as Åkerskolan.
Opening hours: The after school recreation club is open weekdays, excluding public holidays, between 7:30-17:00.
Children spend time at the after school recreation club before and after the school day, while caregivers are working.
We strive to create an environment where children can grow and develop. Here children have opportunities to play and create while learning to cooperate with others and have an open, positive approach.
The after school recreation club is designed to provide children with the possibility to rest and relax and also provide calm spaces for children to work alone if they wish. Setting clear boundaries, as well as understanding social norms and rules form an important part of our time together here. Free play and creativity feature prominently.
Överkalix music school is open for children and young people aged 9-20 who are residents of Överkalix Municipality. The music school offers the opportunity to learn to play an instrument and/or sing, to play together as part of a band or ensemble. A drama group will be starting in the near future. Fill in an application form to apply.

Schoolsoft is an online learning platform that also allows you to communicate with school and preschool staff.
Municipal preschools and primary schools use Schoolsoft in their day to day work. The e-service facilitates communication between parents, children, pupils and staff. It allows you to access schedules, the school lunch menu, curricula, grades, attendance and register planned absences as well as general communication with school staff.
Adult Education and Swedish for immigrants
Adults based in Överkalix also have a range of opportunities to study. There are study rooms with computers available and the opportunity to do exams online at Skolgatan 2.
Municipal Adult Education
You are able to study at primary and secondary level.
You can study to obtain general or specific eligibility for university or college.
You can do vocational training or study theoretical subjects.
You can do entire programs or individual courses.
Our adult education is mainly distance-based and programs start every Monday
Some vocational programs are school-based and are carried out in conjunction with neighboring municipalities.
Contact a guidance counselor. See box with contact details.
Admissions take place on an ongoing basis throughout the year but you must submit an application. Contact a guidance counselor if you would like to begin studying at SFI.
SFI lessons are held in the BIC building on the campus at Skolgatan 2, Överkalix.
How long is SFI?
The length of an SFI study program is adapted to each individual student. How long you study SFI for will depend on a range of factors including your educational background, existing knowledge of Swedish and your own goals.
Are you interested in distance studies? At the Överkalix Learning Center you are able to use study rooms with computers and even do exams online. Study rooms are located in the BIC building on the campus at Skolgatan 2, Överkalix.
Contact an administrator for more information. See box with contact details.
Åkerskolan Bulandsgatan 17
- Staff room grades 1-3
Tel 0926- 741 01
Strandskolan Bulandsgatan 15
- Staff room grades 4-6
Tel 073-275 47 45 - Staff room grades 7-9
Tel 0926-740 80
About personal data
Överkalix Municipality processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The forms on this website comply with current regulations for the registration of personal data.
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