After school recreation club
Children from ages 6-12 may attend Björnen, the municipal after school recreation club, both before the school day begins and after it ends. If you require other opening times please contact the principal. The after school recreation club is located at Bulandsgatan 17 in the same buildings as Åkerskolan.
Opening hours
The after school recreation club is open weekdays, excluding public holidays, between 7:30-17:00.
About after school recreation club
Children spend time at the after school recreation club before and after the school day, while caregivers are working.
We strive to create an environment where children can grow and develop. Here children have opportunities to play and create while learning to cooperate with others and have an open, positive approach.
The after school recreation club is designed to provide children with the possibility to rest and relax and also provide calm spaces for children to work alone if they wish. Setting clear boundaries, as well as understanding social norms and rules form an important part of our time together here. Free play and creativity feature prominently.
A pupil in pre-school class, primary school and primary special school must be offered a place in the after-school center to the extent necessary, taking into account the parents' gainful employment or studies, or if the pupil has a need of his own due to the family's situation in general.
The right to a place also includes children who need special support in their development through the leisure center for physical, psychological or other reasons.Guardians who are on parental leave, jobseekers or old-age pensioners do not have the right to after-school care for the child.
What the fee will be depends on the household's total taxable gross income, then on the number of children for whom you have a place in a leisure center. The youngest child counts as child one, the second youngest as child two, and so on. No fee is charged for children four.
split invoice
If you have joint custody and the child/children will have alternating residences, the municipality can offer to split the bill.
The municipality can split the bill so that each guardian pays according to the gross income in their household and the child's length of stay. The guardians must then notify that the family circumstances have changed, current income information and that they wish to share the bill.
If the place is terminated by one custodian, the placement is transferred to the custodian who retains the place. That guardian must then pay for the entire place. The municipality does not offer half a place.
changed family circumstances
In the event of a change in family circumstances, for example if you move apart och become cohabitants, this must be notified and new income information submitted.
Fees for Preschool and recration club 2023

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