Buy or rent a residence
You can choose between buying or renting your home in Överkalix. There are various options to choose from.
The largest landlord is the Överkalixbostäder Foundation, which is managed by the municipality. Phone: 0926 - 791 00
You can conntact us here!
Private landlords
Bröderna Sällström Fastigheter AB
Telefon 073-831 48 98
Telefon 070-281 37 91
Telefon 070-281 37 91
RA fastigheter AB
Telefon 070-698 06 32
GBH Fastigheter
Telefon 070-682 11 14
MW Fastigheter AB
Telefon 072-585 56 68
Buy a house
On the Hemnet website, you can find houses and homes for sale from various real estate agents:
Hemnets fastigheter i Överkalix
You can also find houses for sale on the Blocket website: Blocket Bostad
Here you can find houses that private individuals rent out or sell: Facebook